We offer a robust schedule of daily activities, outlined below. For more details, check the weekly schedule here


Group CrossFit

Personal Training

CrossFit Kids

Group CrossFit

Personal Training

Kids Free Play


Group CrossFit

Personal Training

CrossFit Kids

Open Gym

Personal Training

Kids Free Play



Group CrossFit

Personal Training

Special Events

Group CrossFit

Personal Training

Open Gym


Special Events

Kids Programs 

Struggling to get your workout and take your kids to activities?

Do both at the same time at Phalanx CrossFit.  

Check out our Kids' Page for more program details.

We now have Zumba! 

Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday  (check the schedule here for class times) 

$15 per class, or $50 per month unlimited. 

Purchase a class pass HERE



Work one on one with a CrossFit coach to achieve your health and fitness goals. We will tailor a program to you - and we can mix and match all offerings to best fit your schedule, goals, and budget. Some examples include:

  • One 60-minute in-person session per week, with "homework" workouts 3 x per week
  • One 30-minute session per week, with 3 or 4 group classes per week
  • Three 30-minute sessions per week
  • Or whatever combo you need! 

Nutrition Coaching

Nutrition is the base of the fitness pyramid - and an often overlooked component of our exercise regimen! Work with our nutrition coaches to learn more about how to fuel your body and develop healthy and long-standing habits that will improve your health and fitness. 

Learn More

CrossFIT Classes

Every class is a good class!

Each day, you can learn something new from our coaches, push yourself to achieve your goals, and have fun!

The classes are programmed in advance, so you don't have to think about a thing. Our coaches will lead you through from warmup to cool down.  

Class Schedule

Gym Rentals

Looking for the next place to hold your party? Rent the gym! 

Gym rentals include:

  • Gym floor, with use of some equipment 
  • Two bathrooms with showers
  • CrossFit Coach 
    • Coach can lead a group class or assist with an "open gym" style

Interested? Send an email to phalanxcrossfitsanford@gmail.com

Phalanx CrossFit is a community...

...and we always have something going on here! From Friday Night Lights to Saturday partner workouts - to ongoing challenges, fundraisers, and youth events - this is a group of people who care about one another and their community. Check out what we have going on and join us!  

Upcoming Events


Don't know where to start? Don't worry! Our Fundamentals program will teach you everything you need to know to complete CrossFit classes. 

Learn More